High Performance Secretariats

A high performance secretariat is like a football team – if they don’t play together they cannot win.

If you want to create and maintain a ‘High Performance Secretariat’ read our latest report.

In the course of our research, we encountered many high performance secretariats typically led by participative minded association leaders where results and open communications are valued. We found that those secretariats that engage in open debate are more likely to address critical issues, find solutions to problems, and develop innovative ideas.

However, we also came across some associations with quite negative working atmospheres which were typically led by overly authoritarian leaders who stifled debate, creating an environment where mistrust, criticism and poor results prevailed.

In this report, we investigate the following key topics:

1. The Seven Key Attributes Of A High Performance Secretariat
2. The Seven Key Attributes Of A Successful Association Leader
3. Evaluating Your Secretariat – Research findings
4. Evaluating Your Secretariat – Our Methodology
5. Recruiting Great People For Your Secretariat
6. Personality Assessment For Optimising Recruitment And Team Performance
7. Key Personality Traits For Advocacy Roles
8. Rewarding Staff
9. Motivating Staff
10. Flexitime & Financial V Non-Financial Rewards
11. Retaining The Best Secretariat Staff

Following a literature review, research and practical experience we first put forward in ‘Key Success Factors for European Associations’ seven key attributes of a high performance secretariat. We knew each attribute was a key ingredient in the overall successful recipe for an association secretariat, but we did not realise how important they were relative to each other. So using a randomised survey methodology hundreds of association leaders gave us the answer represented graphically below.

To understand this graph and what constitutes a ‘High Performance Secretariat’ fill in your details below for a free download of our latest report.

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