Our MD in Brussels, Mark Dober, has consulted on key communications and public affairs issues with over 40 European association leaders, right up to the President of BUSINESSEUROPE. He continues to work with major corporations including Johnson&Johnson, Syngenta, and McDonald’s among others. He has also authored numerous reports and studies on public affairs and communications including ‘Key Success Factors for European Associations’ and ‘EU Media Relations’.
Phil Riggins, CEO, The BRC, and Mark Dober discuss Ellwood Atfield’s recent survey on high-performing secretariats along with various other factors affecting associations for Communication Director Magazine. These points are summarised in eight roles of associations, from early warnings to aligning their sector.
Read the full article below.
For further information on our work with associations, including the Association Leadership Academy, click here.
Alternatively, speak to the team as to how we can support your hiring needs and build a high-performing secretariat for your organisation.