Appointed - Interim Consumer PR Manager

  • Location: London (Central)
  • Salary: £260.00 per day Ltd
  • Ref: PA-1704-4624
  • 2017-04-18T00:00:00+00:00
  • Ellwood Atfield

This is an example of a role successfully appointed by the Ellwood Atfield team.

It was a pleasure to support this recruitment project. Register at if you’d like to hear about current opportunities.

A high profile International Online Retailer is looking for an Interim Consumer PR Manager.

Key responsibilities:

  • Act as the ear and the voice for UK customers, ensuring PR campaigns are consumer focused
  • Utilise their knowledge of media and social media trends to spot opportunities to engage with customers
  • Provide media advice to spokespeople where appropriate
  • Work collaboratively with colleagues across the wider UK and International Marketing and Communications function to deliver holistic campaigns
  • Develop relationships with communications teams internationally to share best practice and work smarter

Key skills:

  • Experience planning and implementing Consumer PR Programmes, involving key media and stakeholders
  • A proven track record working with colleagues and external agencies to create integrated brand campaigns
  • Demonstrated ability to work at a fast pace for a consumer facing brand. A combination of agency and in-house experience is preferable
  • A natural interest in news and understanding of media to spot opportunities for perception-changing campaigns
  • Knowledge of the broader communications space including Internal, corporate and social media
  • Proven experience building relationships with the media