Nicky Fuller headshot

Nicky Fuller

Mentor to Communications Professionals and Agency Owners

Nicky Fuller specialises in mentoring founders of creative agencies and small businesses.

Having founded and developed a PR and sponsorship business in the 1990s, Nicky knows how to build and sell a business. She also appreciates the difficulty and pressure that growing a business, managing a team and developing your own skills brings. As a mentor to business founders in the creative sector, she uses her experience and knowledge to help support the individuals and works with them to meet the challenges of ownership.

Clients range in age, experience and corporate ambition but all have in common the desire to be the best in their field without losing sight of the importance of managing a fulfilled, happy team.

Nicky has a diverse portfolio of mentoring, media training and marketing consultancy clients. Maintaining active engagement in training and marketing keeps her knowledge and understanding of the creative sector relevant and her advice and context for her mentees current.