We have collated a select number of case studies which showcase the work of the coaching network.

The Ellwood Atfield Coaching Panel has been carefully selected and represents the most well-respected individuals working in the industry. Each of them has experience in running communications departments and is professionally qualified to deliver exceptional programmes.

Please view some of their case studies below to understand the value coaching can bring.


Already advising the CEO and exec team at a  FTSE 250 property company, the need was clear  for a full-time in-house communications leader. I  assisted in the search for and appointment of a  talented candidate. Her personality and approach  was a perfect fit for the company, but she lacked  any previous in-house experience, having been a  director at a PR agency for a number of years.



After two weeks of induction, during which time I  met with the CEO and members of the exec team  to determine their view of the role’s priorities and  scope and perceived capabilities gaps, she and

I spent a half-day looking at the structure of the  mentoring support that would be most beneficial.  We mapped out a plan of building blocks that  would cover the personal development required  to fulfil both current functional requirements and  future career goals. Elements ranged from any  obvious functional experience gaps (in this case,  including holistic communications strategy and  corporate culture), to the more nuanced personal  behavioural approaches that would be required as  a new member of an exec team.

Following the first in-depth session and the  subsequent establishment of the structured  mentoring programme, we met once a fortnight  for an hour (in person or on the phone) and  discussed topline worries and ways to keep on-  track in the development areas.



Over the course of a year we tracked our progress  towards the personal and functional goals and  began to reduce the frequency of interactions as  capabilities and confidence grew, with the focus  moving to the identification of catalysts for future  development. Today we meet once a month for a quick update and have semi-annual quarter-day  reviews.

The individual has settled confidently into her role,  has developed new areas of functional expertise,  has strengthened her relationships with the exec  and positioned herself as a trusted advisor to the  board. She has increased resource levels in her  team to execute the strategic communications  plan she developed and is overtly supporting the achievement of the company’s business  objectives.


A very experienced special adviser took on a senior leadership role at an established public affairs agency. As a new entrant to the public affairs industry, they wanted to develop an approach that would smooth the transition, help them develop the skills associated with public affairs and consultancy, and manage the added responsibility of leading a team and delivering revenue.


Sessions focussed on clarifying how they wanted to be seen as a consultant and manager, the challenges faced, as well as the opportunities, and the strengths of the individual, before drawing out from the client a strategy as to how to use the first three months. We then worked together over the course of three months to break the plan down, focus on achievable goals, assess how things were going, what was working, what needed to be adapted, and how to build on successes.




The client reported finding the space and time to think, and the coaching environment incredibly valuable. They were able to reflect in private and openly on why the transition was hard, examine the issues, set realistic and achievable goals during each session.

After three months, the client reported feeling more confident in their own abilities, and that they were achieving more with less struggle. They had also developed tools, and insight as to steps they would repeat in the future to meet new goals as they emerged. The client has gone on to achieve successive promotions and take on even more prominent role in the agency.


The Corporate Affairs Director for a major industry body had built a strong team, but was keen to ensure that each member of the team felt supported in their professional development and to achieve objectives set at the start of the year. The Director was also keen to understand how they could be a better team leader and ensure the function was valued within the organisation.



It was agreed that all members of the team would be offered the opportunity to have three months coaching. The coaching would be confidential and it was important that all members of the team understood this – that they could feel confident speaking frankly and that if they wished to share something from the session that was their choice.

Each member of the team was supported to identify what goals had most value for them and to discuss these with their manager: these ranged from finding a better work-life balance to support both raising a family and taking on a stretching new role; securing internal promotion; managing-up more effectively; and tackling team tensions and conflict productively.


As a result of the programme, all members of the team reported feeling increased confidence and that they were able to take concrete steps to move them forward. Communication also improved within the team, with team members feeling that they were better able to articulate what they needed, or discuss constructively within the team issues that might not otherwise be addressed. Instinctively, they were mirroring the coaching environment and creating time to think and explore, before resolving ways forward.

coaching@ellwoodatfield.com | 020 7340 6480

These are only a small selection of the work our coaches have undertaken. Our network have run programmes for those working in the most recognisable organisations across every sector in the UK.

Thos in our network have experience running communications departments, and can facilitate insights gained from their own experience, as well and understanding the unique challenges which come with these roles.